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Writing High-Quality Standard Operating Procedures


Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and life-sciences companies rely on standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure the quality and safety of their products and services. But in many cases, these documents themselves lack quality.

Containing important technical instructions, SOPs are often wordy, confusing, and imprecise, thereby increasing quality and compliance risks for the organization. The problem is not lack of technical knowledge. The professionals who write SOPs are technically sound, but what they lack is sound technical writing skills.

An ideal resource for engineering professionals, technical writers, and students alike, Writing High-Quality Standard Operating Procedures: A Practical Guide to Clear, Concise, and Correct SOPs offers a step-by-step roadmap to take your SOP writing skills to the next level.

Under the guidance of Atul Mathur, an engineer and a technical writer with over fifteen years of experience, you’ll learn to

  • identify the attributes of high-quality SOPs;
  • create right content structure for SOPs;
  • follow a systematic process for writing SOPs;
  • apply best practices in SOP writing; and
  • avoid common errors.

Honing your technical writing skills is a pivotal step toward high-quality SOP’s.

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