Resume Preparation Before Applying for Jobs is Key!
Looking and applying for jobs is exciting!! It’s a way to get a fresh new start and sometimes in a completely new field of work. However, it’s important to understand the requirements prior to jumping in (for this instance) the Technical Writing field. Having a resume tailored to the job you are applying for is important. Whether you are experienced or just getting started, make sure you are are sharing your experience, which could be in the form of a certificate, degree, or work history. Click the button below to read more about how to prepare for an entry level job in Technical Writing.

Steel sharpens steel. This statement is a reflection of how a meeting with like-minded people can bring out the greatness in you. There are hundreds and thousands of technical writers all over the world who enjoy meeting up to hang out, have conference calls and ultimately help one another with any questions or support pertaining to technical communications or technical writing. Below are just a few that you might find helpful. Enjoy!